Email Security

/Email Security

Preventative Measures to Improve Internet Security

The best way to fight against attempts to compromise business accounts and identify malicious emails is to educate your staff on how to recognise the common tactics/factors.

These basic steps provide a good base of security to avoid having your account compromised

Always use unique passwords for every account, and especially NEVER EVER use the same password for […]

Test Website Contact Forms

Over past six months, we have had many clients who have their website hosting with other providers not aware that their contact form on their company website is no longer working.

The main reasons we have found to cause the contact forms to be broken are due to back-end website updates on hosting platforms. Updates to […]

Computer Security Tips for 2017

Happy New Year!
The beginning of a New Year is a good time to form new habits in relation to computer security.

Here is a couple of ideas which will help to protect your computer and data in 2017
We all do it, set passwords that are easy to remember. Birthdays, Children, Partner or Pet names and then […]

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