LAN Creation

/Tag:LAN Creation

Computer Security Tips for 2017

Happy New Year!
The beginning of a New Year is a good time to form new habits in relation to computer security.

Here is a couple of ideas which will help to protect your computer and data in 2017
We all do it, set passwords that are easy to remember. Birthdays, Children, Partner or Pet names and then […]

Trying to run a business and manage your IT?

You need a partner that understands the demands of owning your own business

We take away the stress of managing your IT and give you more time to focus on running your business

Contact us today and start the New Year on a new pathway to success.
LAN Creation your trusted IT partner who cares about you
and […]

December 22nd, 2016|Clients, LAN Creation|

Season Greetings from all the staff at LAN Creation

It’s that time of the year again!

It always seems to come around quickly and there can be a sense of not being prepared for this celebration.

It is our wish this year that you have time to focus on what Christmas really means to you.

It is so easy to get distracted by the frantic rush, present […]

December 22nd, 2016|Christmas, LAN Creation|

End of Financial Year Tasks

With the end of financial year upon us again, it is a good reminder of the tasks which may need to be completed in your business.

Pre-EOFY Backup
Close off EOFY Accounts in Quickbooks, Reckon, MYOB, Xero, Leap, Affinity,Sage etc
Print and prepare your Payroll Summaries and EMPDUPE files for the ATO
Post-EOFY Backup
Upgrade […]

June 28th, 2016|End of Financial Year, LAN Creation|

Rod’s Ration Challenge

Rod has successfully completed the Refugee Ration Challenge!

The photo attached illustrates the amount of food he has survived on in the last week. It was not only a small amount of food but also a small selection of basic food which consisted mainly of rice, flour, oil, lentils, chickpeas, sardines and red kidney beans. He was allowed […]

June 26th, 2016|Charity, LAN Creation|

LAN Creation is now certified as a Microsoft Silver Partner

We are pleased to announce that LAN Creation is now certified as a Microsoft Silver Partner.

This is a great achievement for our company as we now have access to additional benefits that will assist us and our clients.

The main benefits we receive are higher levels of Microsoft engineer support and further specialised training for our […]

June 26th, 2016|LAN Creation, Microsoft, Training|